Unless you are buying something you will find that more than one day at B-J is too much. The R&S is ok but the really good auctions are the R&M and Gooding which have fantastic cars and not just junk slapped together for the auction like the others. There is a lot of other stuff to do as well, the Pavillions car show , the Hall of Flame Museum, and a lot of other things too. Here is a calendar of events:
You will be bored at B-J after 10 minutes in the auction hall if you are not buying, It is like watching someone play a video game. Not to mention how low class it really is with all these people shouting and cajoling people to blow their money on used cars while they ply them with alcohol with lots of crocodile tears and bullsh@t thrown in.....
I don't care to go any more and I live less than a mile from the tent.
The RM and Gooding are somewhat less of a circus act...
If you are here on the 5th of February, do not miss this event:
Typically 50-60 Ferarris and Lambos, a Veyron, a Grumpert Apollo , Saleen S7, Konigseeggggg whatever, and a lot of cool and quirky cars that do not usually hit the Pavillions.. Send me a message when you are here to my email and I will show you some wild private car collections...
No guarantee but P1075 and P1076 are here near the Scottsdale aeroport, along with CSX 2601...