Originally Posted by Rick Parker
Those of you with 289/302 based engines. Is there any serious interest in
attempting to get a run of Cable Drive Distributors made? I'm thinking MSD.
Hi Rick,
I know this is an old post from last year, but I too have been toying with the idea of a tach drive cabel driven distributor. In response to your post, Ford offered a tach drive distributor under (Motorsport) M-12127-A304 it was build/made by MSD in the mid 1980’s they do surface from time to time used.
MSD offered one for the 289/302/5.0 as well. It too is now discontinued. I’ve been looking for the model number but I have been unsuccessful.
Another alternative/road I’ve been going down was mentioned earlier. Accel offers the 37201T Tach Drive. Again now discontinued, they can be had fairly cheap I found one on eBay for $75.00 in the 37000 series. My plan is to install a Petronix unit # AC-182A and run it with a MSD 6AL box.
Funny thing about Accel, the 37000 series (dual points), 39000 series (BEI) and the 43000 series (BEI II) have interchangeable bases, meaning I took the 37201T tach drive base and stuck it under a 39000 series BEI top from what I think was a Pontiac distributor both it as a complete unit off eBay with an Accel Lazer II box (like an MSD) for $50.00! Cheap! In my opinion.
I have pictures of all this stuff, I’ll post them when I get a chance.
I do like the look of a stock OEM Ford dual point with a Pertronix unit in it for originality purposes though.
Happy holidays,
~Earl J