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Okay, let me see if I can tell the whole story this time.
Last year I pulled off the stock SPF pipes as I was having a problem with popping when I let off the throttle. I figured it was bad gaskets. When I pulled of the side pipes I could see that the welds and pipes were cracked.
I had read enough stories about how restrictive the stock SPF side pipe were, so I ordered new ones from Stainless Specialities. I installed those pipes last winter at this time.
At that time I used the SPF style flange gaskets. After we returned from our vacation this year, the popping had come back. This time I ordered the Remflex gaskets and installed them. No change, it still popped. I should mention that I did not remove the side pipes. All I did was remove the old gaskets and install the new ones. While it did not sound like I had a leak at the header to head, I decided I would just replace everything this time.
When I pulled the side pipes, I looked at the welds and sure enough, they are cracked at the point where the flange meets the pipes. Okay, that upset me, but it's not the end of the world. Then I started looking at the headers. Same problem. In fact one of the pipes is cracked for a good inch inboard of the flange. I'm not even going to try to save them. I'm going to just order new ones. The side pipes I will try to have welded up as none of the cracks extend into the tubes themselves.
I have poly motor mounts so that's not the issue. However the transmission mount is still stock. I will probably replace it. I'm even thinking of machining up some solid motor mounts so the motor does not move at all.
The aft mounts on the side pipes to the body are in good shape and not cracked or broken. I'm also real careful to make sure they are aligned prior to final tightening of the bolts. So I don't think that is an issue.
Right now I believe I'm over tightening the bolts and causing the issue, however I'm still open to ideas.
By the way, it's a 460 motor, and the passenger side header will come out through the bottom. The drivers side will take a little more work. I'm guessing I will have to jack up the motor approximately 1.5 to 2.0 inches and it will also drop out the bottom.
My daughter has my camera at the moment so I will not be able to get any pictures until Christmas day when they come over.
Right now I'm looking at ordering the headers from Hillbank. Are there any other options? If so, please let me know.
John Hall