I forgot to mention when I posted a while back that I also use a 3 qt Accusump with electric valve. Zderf's reply reminded me.
Since my car gets put away blinding hot, and then can sit for a couple of weeks, I always pre-
oil the engine with the reserve left in the Accusump before I fire it up again from cold.
In normal driving, I leave the Accusump off, but on the track, I leave it "on" all the time, in case of
oil starvation in the turns/under heavy braking.
Comments like "most engine wear happens at startup" are absolutely right. With the Accusump you can 100% avoid this. For the $$$ I got in my engine, the few more it cost to buy that thing seem well worth it.
Also, whatever
oil you use, regular changes (I do it every 2500 miles) are worthwhile. The oil may not lose it's characteristics, but the contamination load up will always be there.
On the topic of full size vs shorty oil filters, I personally would rather fit a remote full size filter (or even a twin) before settling for a shorty.