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Old 12-30-2010, 04:37 AM
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Terry, Hmmm, One step along side of Mr Rutherford! Know Mr Rutheford?
Terry, has/is selling cars he does not have. Terry is selling cars he never has had, nor will he get them.
Terry is advertising, on his web site, dreams and unfortunately lies.
Terry is taking deposits and orders for cars he can't get parts for nor is he legally able to do so.
Call Terry he will tell you that "At anytime, usually in two weeks" he will be the owner of all of CR's II. (That is impossible-physically and realistically!)
Terry will tell you he is working with Don's Banker to buy all the assets from CRs and should be done again in two weeks.
More than one person on this board have talked to Don's Banker personally (including me) -the involved Bank and Banker have never heard of Terry Gatrell!

Are you familiar with CMC, Streetbeasts, Fiber fab, Innovative Streetmachines? Well the Feds are and they just permanently closed them down. All it is going to take at this point is to get a few of the people Terry has promised parts, cars, labor too, is for them to file formal Complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, The Michigan Attorney's Generals Office before anybody else gets hurt.

"TERRY GATRELL" IF any of the things I say is/are NOT true and can not be proven in Court, you know where to find me! I'm sure after feeding me a line of absolute and pure BS for three years you still have my address and phone number!
By the way- DON SCOTT wanted me to tell you he really appreciates your help in him going flat broke and Bankrupting CR's II with your lies and innuendoes!

Can you still buy CR's? Lottery, inheritance, backer -(How many of those people have run, not walked away from you? How many times did you tell me you had backers ready to sign only to come up with MORE excuses why they didn't?

Can you still buy the CR's Cobra body's-NO, "CR I" still and always owned them and they aren't turning them loose! Can you"Splash" them? Sure if you can find one or talk the Canadian molders to take your check!

This post is MINE ALONE and DOES NOT Represent Club Cobra or its tributary's in anyway!
Now if you still buy anything from Terry Gatrell without at least ordering COD, don't say you weren't warned!

Being in "Curt SCOTTS " SHOES SUCKS!

"BUYER?" Damn it- do your homework!

(Am I bitter? Do I sound bitter? I hope not, just truthful. This month 12/10 I offered to help Gattrel out of a bind by offering to build a contracted Cobra he got from Don Scott, (When Don Scott thought Gattrel was real) for free! Just supply me the parts in his contract with this other party that originally wanted his car build. #1, the owner of the Cobra, not only being months and months if not years behind in Terry's scheduled build wanted to know what right I had to even ask Terry If I could help him without the owners position?!!! It was made very clear to Gatrill that this could only work IF the owner was advised well in advance and approved the work to be done by me. Then Gatrell started to rip me for trying to take a "job" away from him!

THIS was only done after Gatrell sent me two pictures of the roll bars I had made for him and his customer, complained they had to be totally sanded down and smoothed out because of the grinding marks (Which ARE supposed to be there prior to sandblasting) were too deep and the bars did't and wouldn't fit! He even sent me pictures of the two bars sitting on the back raw frame of the Cobra.


I never I tried to help a guy out, 1st by selling him a complete kit at less than 1/2 price so he could full fill a Complete Cobra build he promised and took money for and never had the first part! Remember ("Scarey 59"?) He turned me down on that one as soon as I mentioned COD only! Now even though I offered to build this other guys Cobra for free that he has had ordered for years, Terry got righteously Indignant, telling me he "Had it under Control!"

I'm done...............Ask "Wreckerboy" for more info if you want it...........
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