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I was an Arizona State Highway Patrol officer stationed in Tucson back in the 70's. I was one of the youngest ever as I didn't turn 21 until after graduation from the academy. My first 3 stops for speeding were all off duty cops! I was told that I shouldn't write them tickets as they may be my back up at some point in time. Did I want to piss off someone that I might count on to help me in a life threatening situation? This was during the 55mph national speed limit days.
I have lived alot in New York. Almost all NY cops go blowing by me, well exceeding the speed limit. Alot of them on their cell phones. This is illegal in NY.
I get mad as hell when the police think that they don't have to live by the same rules as everyone else.
I am for safe driving. I am for reasonable speed limits. And, I agree that you need to take your car to the track to run it hard. But, I believe that most of the speed limits are less about safety and more about creating revenue.
We don't need specific laws for excess speeding, cell phones, texting, ect. We already had laws for distracted driving, reckless driving ect.