Originally Posted by WardL
... But tell me why do they use Porsche and Viper names for paint on a Cobra?
Typically for reference of non-original Cobra colors used on other familiar vintage cars or more modern cars and colors people are very familiar with. i.e. Viper Red or Corvette Torch Red, or Porsche Guards Red, or Viper Blue or BMW Maritus Blue, etc. Many times folks own or see these other popular cars regularly on the road and wonder what they might look like on a Cobra! You know.... one day your are at a stoplight and you look over and see a car and color your like, and say to yourself, "hey, that Blue color on that Viper might be a neat color to try..." Happens just like that I would guess... and nobody wants to really tell you the color they like and picked came on a 2001 Chevy Truck - hahahaha!