Originally Posted by dave from mesa
We have to smog diesels here and we have ULSD also. I have a 03 F250 and a 01 motor home. Have to do it every year. Not the best deal.
I was told that EVERY diesel passes tho.
Must be the county you are in. Mohave county AZ (where my house is) has no smog test, and you actually have to search for the ULSD. I have to run ULSD in our new VW, and the station I go to only has one pump that dispenses it. They have 5 that dispense goold old #2.
I don't know how strict the test is here. The way it is supposed to work is they rev the motor once then back to idle, then two more times. The second two are the ones that count. If any smoke lingers longer than 3 seconds you fail. I don't know of a whole lot of older diesel trucks that will pass that kind of test if they are actually enforcing it to the letter. The newer trucks running the new style injectors meant to run on ULSD would probably have no problems. Our 2010 VW does not put out any smoke at all.