I got the steering joint angle to 31 degrees by modifying the power steering bracket to move the pump lower. I took the car for a test drive today around the bock a couple times. The first time around I took it kinda slow, getting a feel for everything, and watching all of the gauges. I brought it back in, put it on the lift and checked everything out. It all looked good so I made a few adjustments to the carbs and took it for a second drive and purposefully hit a bunch of pot holes to jar the suspension, on the way back I revved it to about 3000 rpm and dropped the clutch doing a massive burn out, hit second still spinning and got it up to about 60 before I let off, then took a corner sideways with the pedal to the floor. It handled surprisingly well, stops well, and takes off like a rocket. I took a pic of the car as I was walking back to it from opening the shop door. I spilled a little brake fluid on the header when I was bleeding the brakes(thats whats smoking) But I put it back on the lift and everything looked good even after putting it through a little hell. I still need to tune the carbs a little. The next test drive I do I will hit the interstate and see how she does at high speeds.
oil temp stays at 75 degrees and water at 90 degrees Celsius. Im not sure what that is in Fahrenheit but its not even half way up on the gauge so I think its ok, I got 40 PSI of
oil pressure at idle.