Originally Posted by WardL
ULSD is required nationwide as of June 1, 2010 for all On Road and Non-Road vehicles. The only higher sulfur stuff is allowed for Locomotive and Marine diesel. California is so special they don't have to label the pumps. Everywhere else if the pump doesn't say ULSD it is breaking the EPA regulations at the tune of $32k/day. But don't worry about the fine, the EPA doesn't usually apply it. It is more of a SCARE factor!
Hmmm. Having owned gas stations (sold them in 07) I can't imagine
oil companies allowing their dealers to break any state or federal laws. My reps were always on us to make sure we were compliant. They would hold back money from credit card sales if you were not. In Cali, like you said, everything is ULSD and not always tagged as such. In AZ I actually have to look for ULSD because most of the stations only sell #2.