Hey! I'm still alive! I sold the engine, so that's good news. It hurt to sell it, because it's an awesome engine and I put tons of money and thought into it, but that's life. Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you. My bear is burping after it's meal.

I'm trying to be quiet and not bother Ed about the car, he's got more than enough to do.
I do radiation every morning, head to the desk job and work all day, cook myself something when I get home and then collapse in bed. The radiation really wears me out. If all goes well, by late February it should be over, then I'll have enough energy to be a pain in the neck.

Today's high here in Houston should be 62 and sunny according to the weather folks, and 67 and sunny tomorrow. I'll try to get some time outside. Having spent all of my 52 years in NY, I've about had my fill of cold and the white stuff. From this point on, salt and sugar are the only white I want to see!
It's always great to talk to you guys, I try not to call too often and bug y'all. (see, I'm speaking Texan already!)
