Originally Posted by CobraEd
gotta be a tough way to do it. Why not splash it ?????.
The process of digitizing and scanning in the 3035 body would have been very straight-forward using today's technology. As to why FFR chose to not to reproduce the 3035 is anybody's guess. I could not get any of the body lines to match up between 3035 and the new car. The nose is different, as are the door lines/openings as well as the rear fenders. Maybe they are saving the scan it for a Dick Smith tribute car or something.
"Splashing" a body the old-fashioned way, especially off of a fragile aluminum car is tedious but not rocket science. The story I was told about when the Hurricane car was copied was that it took all of a day to take the molds from the body. But they did it while the CSX car was assembled, and they did it in pieces. So the hard part was then to get it all back together into a unified body mold.