The number 1 reason in my opinion why people sell their cobras is so transparent. THEY ARE JUNK. A new replica regardless of builder will have over 20 issues during the first year. Could be leaks, electrical, brakes, wipers, fan switches, ignitions, carburators etc. YOU WILL HAVE PROBLEMS and if you are not an accomplished shade tree mechanic you will be miserable. Warranty for the most part is useless unless your dealer and installer is within 20 miles of the house. Get used to the phrase "we have never seen that before" better yet get a lawyer.
Even a fully sorted cobra will need attention. The engine unless you go with a OEM Ford or GM will leak somewhere. How many times are you interested in retorquing the intake bolts? How many times are you interested in checking the air cleaner bolt, fiddling with a plastic
oil line to a
oil gauge on a $70K car before you order the braided hose and spend an afternoon on your head replacing?
You better have more passion to work on cars then drive them if you get a Cobra. A ford pinto is a superior car.
As far as the good part of owning one, it is like a priest told me when getting married, we aint discussing the fun stuff you figure that out on your own.