Thread: Bellhousing
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Old 01-27-2011, 02:42 PM
blykins blykins is offline
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Originally Posted by D-CEL View Post

“I’m not starting this argument again”…but LOL

Once again, when Apples are compared to Oranges, the customer suffers.
I was comparing the weight of everything needed to install the item. You state “The weight is pretty accurate” …. Accept for it doesn’t include the rest of the assembly, block pate, bolts, etc. Really? Lol
So you would place an ad for a Cobra that say “Weighs 1800lbs” and when the guy that buys it weighs it and comes back and says “Hey you lied! It weighs 2500!” You would respond, “Hold on now! I didn’t say that was the weight with the engine installed”

I hate fractional statements designed to mislead. Not a fan of “SPIN”
But we are done with this discussion on that level….right? lol

“Cutting off the bottom”
As Mr. Clayton stated, they can be trimmed and still meet the spec.
And I add: while offering a substantially higher level of protection.

It is an unfair representation and a disservice to your customers to state or infer that a non SFI QT housing offers the same protection as a “trimmed” SFI unit, be that Lakewood or QT.
Those lower bolts aren’t hype they are a critical piece of the puzzle. The more bolts the better.
Until someone proves the safety capability of that non SFI design with testing, the prevailing evidence shows failure.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…

Ya know, many years ago (high school, yikes!!) I installed my first Lakewood (72 Camaro 350 4spd) I was scared to death of the whole “alignment” issue. Check, recheck, removed, reinstalled, a buddy and I spent hours. We spent more time second guessing the numbers. My history is that they have all went right on, with no alignment problems. Maybe some do, but that is not my experience. I have been hearing about it my whole life, so I assume it exists.
The only issue I ever found (with Lakewood) was on my current 460 version. While doing my last clutch, I set the housing up on a big surface plate and found it to be out of parallel by about .030. I sand paper lapped that block face on the surface plate for flatness, then set it up on a big mill and skim cut the trans face so that it was flat within .001. Probably wouldn’t have caused in an issue, but it made me feel better.
I do like the QT products, just don’t like the way they represent themselves

And your prices appear very fair.

When you do compare apples to apples, you will find things work a little bit easier. Why call Summit and ask for the shipping weight? Why don't you ask them to pull each bellhousing out and weigh it without the packaging and all the items?

No, I wouldn't include everything in the box as part of the bellhousing. When have you used every adapter ring all on the same bellhousing, or when have you used both ball pivot and L-bracket pivot on the same bellhousing? The Quicktime bellhousing includes a WHOLE lot of don't use all of them when you put it in a car. So why include all of that stuff on the weight of the bellhousing? What if Quicktime used a box that was 1" thick and Lakewood used a box that was 1/8"? LOL See where I'm going?

Here's the difference...

You call people that don't have direct relationships with Quicktime. You call the new owner of the company, which before a few months ago didn't have any experience whatsoever with Quicktime. You also call Summit Racing and ask them for a shipping weight. Neither one of those phone calls is valid. I weigh the bellhousings myself. I ask customers to weigh them. That's the difference. Jason, by all means, buy whichever bellhousing you want. Believe me, it doesn't make any difference to me whatsoever. However, if you're going to post an argument, post some solid facts, not biased information based on whims of phone calls.

If you don't have a beef with Quicktime, you're sure going out of your way to start one. You have hijacked several of my threads so far with this stuff. If you were the one whose Boss 557 took a poop on the dyno, I would understand. If you were his best buddy, I would understand. But you have no relationships with anyone, whatsoever. Once again, prove to me that the same scenario wouldn't have happened with an SFI 6.1 bellhousing. You know what, it may not have. It may have contained it perfectly, we'll never know. I do know that I'm not brand loyal....I've used both Quicktime and Lakewood in my stuff. I know which one is a nicer bellhousing, that's for sure. But if you ask me a question about either one, I'll try to give you actual real world data.

All I'm asking is that if you have a vendetta and you're going to act upon it, post relative, REAL, and actual information on each item, like I have and like Jerry has. Don't just call up random people and ask them for their opinions or information.
Lykins Motorsports, LLC
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Last edited by blykins; 01-27-2011 at 03:08 PM..
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