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Now, don't go gang'n up on me. Imagine, three small blocks guys try'n to get one FE guy. I appreciate your coming to NERC, how far is it for you? I figure the Glen is about the same for me, 5 1/2 - 6 hours on the road, as Cowhampshire is for you. But VIR has to be, what, 12-14 hours?, from here. And mid week to boot. Since the family has already "adjusted" our Californy trip from 10 days to one week to allow me the NERC (we leave about 5am Thursday), I really can't push it. Unless I really "be good", even WI is still under discussion. Ain't no vacation pay for us self employed, you know.
Don't get me wrong, if I get the Powerball # right, I'll be in the car on track everyday, all summer. And VIR sounds too good to be true. Guess I better decide on WI or VIR soon. Can't take much more of this...
an uncertain McFEZ