It's my considered opinion, that BDR has had more half shaft failures than any other replica currently or formerly built. It is my gutt feeling thats it's possible they have had more failures than all other replicas combined from the beginning of BDR history to date.
It's just an opinion, it's not bashing. Can it be proved? Maybe, but it would take considerable work with the search engine to build a data base. Until someone DISPROVES it, it remains my opinion. Like it,,, or not.
Why did they offer an M3 upgrade? Why did they then modify the newer cars with stronger half shafts? I have seen NUMEROUS references to broke BDR half shafts, many times, on Club Cobra. FAR MORE TIMES than for any other replica, I've been around here for quite some time.
Cashburn, here's a BDR broken ring gear, it's NOT from the drag strip!