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Karlos Kobra to the Body Shop
Today Karl and his build crew (Mike, Dave and Hector) trailered his car to a fiberglass specialist to begin the body work. The first shop mgr just said, "I'll be honest with you. I don't want to touch it". The second wasn't as blunt but smiled alot while walking around the project. The build crew was shocked when Karl said, "OK guys, unloader her". It seems a little strange to see Karl's garage without the Kobra. Dave announced, "we're on vacation now". The first body shop agreed to paint the car if it was returned "paint ready". Dave and I laughed because the orginal builder called it "paint ready"........NOT. I keep trying to get Karl to let us build a wing on top of his roll bar but he won't have any part of it. We could even make it adjustable.
Mesa Mike