Originally Posted by RET_COP
When you were having your problems did you look at how much transfer slot was exposed like a earlier poster suggested?
I believe that carb came with primary throttle plates drilled with 1/16dia. or so holes, is this correct?
If so Im wondering if the throttle plates holes were too big or not needed in your case because of the bigger upper bores and you were getting too much air causing you to bring the idle down and then causing you to have almost no Transfer showing. This is a classic case as you described.
By filling in the holes temporarily, thus causing a lower idle, you would have had to open up the blades some, exposing more transfer slot, which would have covered the transition from idle to main circuit..
I'm sorry I just found this thread. But I was curious.
Thanks. I changed carbs with a Street carb (Holley HP4150 Street, 850 cfm) and all of the problems went away. I just put in the correct power valves for my vacuum idle and adjusted the floats and idle mixture and rpm and it was perfect! Thanks.