I have almost none. The BDR logo is on the floormats and an almost indistinguishable stamp on the wheel adapters for the Halibrand knockoffs - that's it. I have AC logos on the steering wheel and body to give the look some shred of authenticity and "Powered by Ford" instead of "427" on the quarterpanels. The seatbelts and all other parts are plain aluminum. Plus, the silver on the AC logo matches the car better. No window sticker at all.
Now, if BDR wants to talk about sponsorship money, we can add some

. I promote BDR every chance I get, but I wanted the car to have more of a traditional look. That said, the sporty looking ones with all of the logos and stickers look good too. Just depends on what you want, I see some SPF's with all the doodads as well and they are kinda cool too. DO WHAT YOU WANT! WHO CARES WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS!!!