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No more so than a '69 Mustang is a replica of a '67. Same company, same model, different year, different car. Replica/kit cars are a different matter entirely.
I know what you're getting at with the Shelby continuation cars. However, you still can't compare current production models from an auto manufacturer in continuous operation with Shelby who decided to start making component copies of a car he used to manufacture as an entirely different entity back in the sixties. They are indeed Shelby Cobras, but they are also replicas of the originals. Not bad, not good - just the way it is.
Tropical Buzz
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)
BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...
Last edited by Buzz; 02-27-2011 at 05:30 PM..