Originally Posted by Wbulk
Larry, thanks for that link. Looks like there are four stations within 15 minutes of my house. One is a 1/4 mile away.
So is government trying to get rid of old carbureted cars and want us to buy new cars, or are they ignorant of the issue. Is this the beginning of the end? I was just out working on my car thinking about natural gas options for the future. We have tons of natural gas in Utah. I could put dual cylinders right where my tank is.
Wayne, I don't think they are ignorant, they want to get rid of all of the non emissions controlled and older engines. They can't get legislation that bans them through because people will not stand for it, but they can regulate them out by the fuels offered. Just think of the cash for clunkers and the multitude of good blocks ruined because of their actions.
Another site to check out that is an organization that fights for the hobbies rights is:
Which is part of: