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I actually disagree with Paul. My car is not a "kit" car. A "kit" is that plastic model you buy at hobby lobby that comes with instructions telling you to put part A into part B. My car is in no way like that. I "assembled" my car from the pieces I chose with the mechanical knowledge and skill that I had and acquired. Midstates supplied me with a body and frame...I took it from there. Calling it a "kit" minimizies all the hardwork and long hours that went into building it. I guess by the same token we could call all the cars circling the track on Sunday "kit" cars right? I mean Ford, Chevy, Dodge and Toyota didn't build those. A bunch of guys in a garage did. What's the difference? I don't care what someone else's perception of my car is, I know the truth; and the truth is that it is NOT a is a replica and that is what I refer to it as.