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If you have an electric fuel pump, turn it on (with engine not running) and look down both throats of the suspect carb, is any fuel dripping out of the Auxiliary venturis onto the throttle plates? If so the floats need to be adjusted or the needle & seat checked, are you using the small cone filter near the fuel banjo (?) it IS a good idea. Webers are more suceptable to foreign material in the fuel than a Holley. Pull the idle jet and holder and check it for blockage. Do the same for the main jet and holder. Carefully screw the idle mixture screw all the way in, noting how far it was open, then remove it entirely. Drain the fuel bowl (don't spill any) Blow compressed air in the mixture screw orfice and in the hole where the jet packs were removed. Reinstall, adjust and start it and recheck things. Hold you hand over the top to prevent fuel from being blown all over. This assumes the ignition system and spark plug is not compromised.
As you slide down the Banister of Life, may the splinters never be pointing the wrong way