Originally Posted by DWRAT
Boy you guys are funny.
Yes I still come around at times but I don't have a Ford to work on anymore.    (thank God)
And yes, I do hang out on "My wife has a turbo BMW". I had to learn how to use "launch control". It has a pretty cool double clutch manual/auto transmission that is all computer controlled so I can handle it, kinda.
I am still on the lookout for Carnut at a local stop light.  if he will play.
Tinny, did you get you car yet or are you like me???   
and now looking at May. Apparently the Tru-track setup was located so that the power steering motor binds with the side of the car so it has to be cut out to make room. Also the headers were misaligned, so new ones had to be made, now who woulda thunk huh? Ron hit it right when he said forget about Christmas, I am now wondering if it will be Christmas this year

. That said there is not a lot that I can do being in China, 'cept be patient, send emails and make calls.
I am to the point now where I just wanna get this thing all done and enjoy but the wait is getting me down, so far its been over three plus months in install and I am no longer a happy camper.
Subject change: Dan, you have to use a launch control to control your launch?

Cheers, John, AKA, tin-man