With the weather attempting to co-operate and thinking that it will be rendering some decent driving weather soon I thought I should get after my Winter projects before Summer arrives
I normally put the car up on jackstands for the winter months. Today I rolled under the back to appraise what was going to be necessary to remove the ring & pinion to cure a minor leak and begin wiping down the frame and related items. While laying on my back on the Creepeer and wiping components within my extended reach I turned my head back just in time to look up at a friggn HUGE Back Widow Spider lowering itself on a thread of web from up above the rear axle and was now about 10" above my face. This thing was big enough to be carrying a suitcase! I quickly, no I actually "Jetisoned" out from beneath the car. Once out from under the car I rolled over to look back at the spider which had stopped and was now hanging about 8" off the ground. That was enough for the day, I went in, got the Black Flag, sprayed the web and called it a day. WHEW!!!!!!!!