Hey all:
The Kannapolis Cruise-In starts back this Saturday, March 12. I just happened to notice this from their Facebook site:
"Beaver's Honda Car Salvage has returned to be our presenting sponsor for the 2011 season. We've got lots of new things in store for this year, including a resserved "Club of the Month" section. If your club would like to be picked for the Club of the Month, just send a FB message to Gary Walter or send an email to gwalter@carolina.rr.com. Be sure to list your preferred month followed by your 2nd and 3rd choice. Clubs will be pic...ked on a "first come, first serve" basis. No club will be picked twice until all requests have be honored. Also, please provide contact information for your club. We will need to know the expected number of cars and/or trucks at least one week prior to the event."
If a lot of people would be interested in committing to attend from Club Cobra, I would be happy to try and set us up as a Club of the Month. Otherwise, I hope to see at least some of you there, anyway!
For more information on the cruise-in itself: