I had posted earlier in regards to questions about turnkey cars. I have noticed that there was a dealer for Superformace cars in Australia "Cobra Technology Center".
They appear to have gone out of business or vanished as the phone numbers and website are disconnected.
I have sent a couple of emails to Superformance but have not had any replies. I have called their US number and one of the guys who turns out to be from "Hillbank USA" said the send him an email and he would get back with more info, and again I have heard nothing. He did mention on the phone that a car is about USD$42k but the car though them would have to be shipped from South Africa to the US and back to Australia?
From all the information I have read regarding car importation, I don't see a scheme under which one could actually be imported?
I did however noticed this car:
I rang the workshop that fitted the engine and they are sure the car came through the Cobra Technology Center.
So, any ideas on who you could now order one of these for Australia.