Here is the way I look at this.
Look at all the cars out there that don't have roll bars. There's a **** load of Corvettes, and then there are those with Cobra's that have choosen to go with the street version with under car exhaust and no roll bar at all.
Let me list a couple other things that can happen to these cars, and for the most part we just live with them.
Running over something and having it come through the floor boards. Hell, it's only fiberglass and it's not going to stop anything.
Getting t-boned in an intersection. Anything larger than a 10 speed bike is going to do serious damage to the car and the people inside it.
A minor rear end collision with the gas tank sitting just a couple feet behind us.
I could go on, but I think people get the idea. There are other possibilities, like getting t-boned or rear ended that are more likely to happen than being in a roll over accident.
To me that roll bar is part of the cosmetic part of the car. I'm not betting it's going to save my life.
All the years I rode motorcycles, I never felt that helmet was going to save my life. It was what was in the helmet that would do it. It's the same with this car.
Not bad for a "moron" is it???