weren't very nice a couple of pages back, and more than a few others were a bit too eager to drop their pants and wag their weenies at each other.
As for the question presented...if you're thinking of having to equip a car for a particular school and you're not sure you want to keep it so equipped, change the damn school.
If the concern is for street safety, a side crash beam in the doors is a hell'uv a lot more Butler had them. It had a full width bar as well. Wife had no problem with the Kirkham having a single hoop...she thinks the dual hoops are funnier than hell, sorta like Butch telling Sundance not to worry about not being able to swim since the fall will kill him anyway.
As for whether Cobras of a certain make are tracked or driven more often due to cost of the Cobra, whatta bunch of bull (
). I've tracked mine as much as anyone...I go alone. I don't want anyone else in the damn car on the track.
You either like them or you don't. Don't sit there and make yourself out to be more moral because you're saving the world by having a second hoop. These damn things are like skateboarding naked through a cactus field no matter what you do.
...just sayin