Originally Posted by xb-60
Allen - you mentioned before about how narrow the MTs were compared to the BFGs. They look 'appropriate' in your pic above. Any more pics on the way?
The wheel/tyre combo make the car look like you mean business.
So - missing the Elise at all? 
Glen: I just edited Post #43 with photos that WolfK had asked for. Go back and check that out..

Missing the elise? Well, funny you should ask that. I was thinking about it at this weekend's auto cross as I saw one being driven very well and getting some very respectible times, but then I beat him....so, not so much.
Originally Posted by tkb289
Great progress
Any closeup photos of the redesigned and newly installed fuel filler setup?
Will you paint the top to match the car?
- Tim
Tim: Well, dispite all the suggestions here to leave it black, I'm thinking I can convince you all that painting it the body color will be the better choice in the end...

Give me some time to do that, though.
And here's the finished fuel filler pic you asked for:
Here's a pic of the old one again:
Originally Posted by mr bruce
mean and nasty lookin' ,not a "girly/ miata" cobra, get sumbuddy to do a photo chop with a green top before you paint it, me thinks it will look better black, where's Tropical Buzz
Originally Posted by xb-60
Agreement here. Black top. Decision made for you Allen 
Mr_Bruce, Glen........ just give me some time to convince you otherwise...
- Allen.