Originally Posted by Lew Ledyard
Best advice given is to talk to David. Also, talk to your engine builder about the rear-end ratio. I have a 3.36, but if I were to do it again, I would go with a 3.54 (I also have the TKO 5speed with the .85 OD). Not that a big block doesn't have the power to pull the taller gearing, but my motor is happier above 2200 rpms. On the roads around here, I always seem to be around 1800 or 4500. Also, get the Avons and the dropped foot box. I like the 16" steering wheel as well.
Thanks for the tips. What kind of speed do you see at 2200rpm? I had planned on a 3.54 after talking to them yesterday.
I'm waiting to hear from Dave/Steve about my options list that I went over with them, and delivery time, anxious to hear from them