I live in logan and they are a pack of a$%^oles to deal with. I may have worked on cobras at home for 10 years never had a complaint from my neigbours but as soon as the developer next door didnt need my power or help he called the council. and that is that as they say . Lots of threats and paperwork but in the end i moved into my industrial unit and have never looked back though i am still trying to get my sheds approved 14 months later.
The councils see them selves as little hitlers making rules to suit them selves and bugger what anyone else has to say .
They are all wannabe federal pollys yea like the parrot i think.
Oh i am sorry did i hold back a bit.
They cant tell the difference between a guy restoring a car and a comercial work shop.
Though i think if you are not anoying your neigbours or inpacting on the enviorment ie draining
oil in stormwater drains it should be Ok to work at home .