[quote=Danr55;1119039]I used to have a sergeant that had a good line to qoute about now..
Dan, seems like your sergent never did black-ops or wet work where double tapping is generally done close up and personal, extremly personal, one in the head, one in the pump n' its lights out, goodnight, cheerio and via con Dios, pal.
But in that respect, the best I heard is from the AC-130U Spooky II attack guships from the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), their armament consists in part of a General Dynamics 25 mm (0.984 in) GAU-12/U Equalizer 5-barreled gatling cannons, these babys can fire off their load several miles from the objective and the combatants hear no sound. An entire squadran can be taken out with one burst.
Cheers, John, AKA, tin-man