CSX3150 has been around here for quite a while, original right hand drive 427 street cobra. Yes it would throw me for a sec being red as well, as it was previously blue.
I have attached some photos of it. From Brisbane Motor Show in 2005 and also at Bowdens. I also have a photo of the rego label, but that won't upload and just gives an error.
Rumoured to have sold for $480 in 2005 to a then local Brisbane business man. Price range when listed for sale was $450-$550 from memory. Needed a ground up rebuild at that stage.
Sleeping Beauties was the company that restored it to it's current form.
http://sleepingbeauties.com.au/ I think Merv was trying to get some photos of the work performed.
Being fully restored it would be worth more money, but in the current market who knows.