Not worried about the resale aspect. And for the replica aspect. We're not trying to do a true/correct replica of an original cobra, that would mean getting the correct suspension (not standard on Kirkhams, a hefty upgrade), engine, etc... unless you want a show car or something that is not going to happen (for us, or the majority of the Kirkham owners lets face it).
Kirkham kits are definitely a high end replica, which is why we are going with them. Their work is superior to others. But at the same time, putting a modern, reliable, efficient engine in the car makes sense too, since we want to drive it a lot... but I guess that's where people have different "goals" for their cars.
I'm not trying to start a fight or to say that people who are trying to go the "original" way are wrong. Just want to stimulate some dialogue on if this is possible/realistic (I know "everything is possible" but I'm trying to find out if we can do it without changing tons of structural stuff on the car)
Dimis, thank you for your comment, I can see having to mess around with the footboxes as this V8 has more degrees on angle in the V I do believe. As far as LS7.... I think we want to stick with a Ford.... the whole modern engine in a Kirkham thing is bad enough haha