Originally Posted by Dimis
Hi Soulman,
project is in it's infancy, nothing finalized.
thus, haven't yet crossed the importing bridge.
What do you a) suggest I order & b) what do you recommend regarding importing?
Ps: I hear salt air is giving you some trouble.
Happy to help you out with your Kirkham,
I have a spare spot in my garage for one ;-)
kingest regards,
sorry was under the impression you had ordered one.
Love to know if you can bring them in, a lot of doors are now closed regardless if intention are to 90 day permit use.
They still regard it as a car -complete or not !! I know of 3 in Aus that cannot be registered.
Love to have a FIA version if it was possible.
Save the heartache and maybe look at a local car.
I know an excellent '68 reg AC cobra -Arntz for sale complete with csx numbers.
Good luck .