Now the engineer has given me the ok to go with most seats from production vehicles the options have been opened up. He was very helpful when I discribed my situation and he could see the issues I could have by using most production car seats with the height of the base of the seat and that my drivers view could be of the top edge of the windscreen and not through the glass. This has always been in the back of my mind.
Beejay ; I like the cobra classic seat with the head support and I be taking a look in another store on Saturday which stocks this brand.
Stephen Low ; great work on the seats to narrow them down and the process you discribed would be not out of the question. The pix show it clearly and it might make to the top of my list being so compact.
Gav ; its good to know I am not the only one buying more than on of something as I go along , pitty it costs you as you go along.
Thank's and Ill be hitting the pavement Saturday !