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[QUOTEWhen, yeah, when I finally get my Cobra I want to have as much forewarned knowledge on this subject as I can retain, in addition to going to the Bondurant Driving Schools in Phoenix to get seat time and advice. One of my biggest concerns is what happens when the Bowler 4R70W auto tranny does a down shift and understanding the subsequent affect it will have while driving. If this causes a TTO, then I be F***** big time, thus my request for understanding.
Asking for help and knowledge is good,but without seat time, you can never really know...With that said,you have the right approach going to the Bondurant school, I highly recommend it.There you will learn where the limits are and how to deal with them once your past them.You will learn more there or any other driving school in one day than you can possibly learn on a computer in a lifetime..They will teach you when to upshift/downshift/brake and apply throttle and more importantly, when NOT TO!!!!!!!!!!!
Once you go thru a school, best adivse is to find your local Autocross club and go at it....Slower speeds and a controlled enviroment and you will safely learn tons about your car and your ablility in it..........
been there, done that, at speeds over 100mph in racing situations...