If you're on the list or considering Magnesium Cobra II wheels:
Fran said that he had, "like 7 or 8" on his list. He's looking to sell 25 sets (100 wheels) and he doesn't want to sit with stock.
So, some have mentioned interest in buying multiple sets. Darren spoke of 2 or 3 sets. I will do 2. What'saCobra mentioned 2 (although the timing is now bad) and ACademic mentioned maybe buying a set on speculation.
Is this list current?
PLEASE RESPOND! We can put this to rest soon either way.
1. rodneym 2
2. RodKnock (you still in?)
3. N2VENOM (mentioned up to 3. Whoops! Was that a private PM? LOL)
4. 601HP (haven't heard from you in a while)
5. Sal Gerace (?)
6. Lew Ledyard (Did you buy private set?)
7. WhatsaCobra (mentioned 2 sets but needed by May. Where are we at?)
8. CSX289 (Mentioned 4 fronts)
9. ACademic (mentioned buying set on speculation. Only one set? LOL)
10. ?
We have a potential of 13 sets from this laborious thread. I still have to see what names might match Fran's list, and compare. We could have 20, which would certainly surprise Fran.
Lets get a roll call and wrap this up.
Before Patrickt's green light pops on.