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Keep in mind that the draft was in effect during much of the Viet Nam period, but not everyone was drafted, and of those who served, not everyone went to Viet Nam. I don't know of any database showing who did serve in Viet Nam. ... I seem to recall a politician in the last election who said or implied he served in Viet Nam when he actually served in the military during the Viet Nam period. I suspect that kind of exaggeration is commmon. Those who did serve in Viet Nam ought to be in their mid 60's or older by now.
Correction: As pointed out below, I should have said, "in their mid 50's".
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Previously owned EM Cobra
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor
Last edited by Tommy; 04-19-2011 at 05:55 AM..
Reason: Error