Originally Posted by Fullchat289
Yes, the driving lamps are 55w Oscars. They are all-metal construction, nicely powdercoated and weigh about 2-3/4lbs each. They are NOS units and the guy I purchased them from said they bought out the stock of a Cibie dealer some time ago and he's been selling them dribs and drabs on ebay. The literature that came with them showed pictures of cars from the mid to late 70's by my estimation, so as you say....nearly period correct. My goal was to acquire the same hardware the Masters guys are running for the night races, and I achieved that...I'm quite happy in that respect. Nice to hear you are happy with your set.
- Allen.
Sounds like a good pick up Allen. Interesting that with all the development that's gone into the design of reflectors in the last quarter century, Cibie Oscars are still right up there in performance.