Originally Posted by mrmustang
Since each item ordered weighs a different amount, and when combined no two orders are 100% the same, and everyone does not live in the same town, at the same address, I can see why the shipping charges would be different for each and every customer/order. Having owned a business where the same thing applied, I never gave a shipping charge until the item(s) were packed and weighed. If a customer wanted a total before they paid, I gladly did so, but again, they would have to wait until I had it boxed and weighed before that could happen. Some people get it, unfortunately, you are not one of them
Bill S.
I sure understand your point, Bill. I'm afraid this is the FIRST time I've ever had to wait until an order has shipped to get an estimate of what it would cost to ship it. I didn't want an EXACT, to the penny amount, I just wanted a ballpark estimate. I ordered two identical pieces, the charge for the parts was $150, yet I don't know if the shipping will be $20 or $200.
You are right, though....at 62 years of age, and having done an incredible amount of business using 800/888 toll free phone numbers and internet based ordering programs, I have never run up against the problem until today. I guess I'm just too old and set in my ways to "....get it".
Cheers from Dugly