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Google "National Archives and Records Administration." Then click on "Veterans Service Records." Then click on "Access fo Military Records by the General Public." Then click on "Freedom of Information Act."
You can file an FOIA request with the National Archives to get an extract of the veteran's service record. It will have his name, rank, date of rank, service number, dates of service, assignment history, military education, awards and decorations, photo, transcript of court martial proceedings, and place of entry and separation from the service.
There may be a nominal fee to do this.
Of course, when you confront the lying mofo with the facts, his response may be that he was in special forces/rangers/CIA on covert missions, so of course the records are wrong/missing/part of his cover, etc.
The best way to expose one of these fraudulent vets is to have a real vet talk to him.
It should soon become apparent the guy is a fraud.
Good luck!