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Old 04-24-2011, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
Those speeds are slow enough to be very noticeable with you waiting for each page to load. Whether they are good or bad for your ISP is something you'd need to discuss with them. Ask them what your speeds are supposed to be and compare it with those numbers. If you don't like the slow speeds and your ISP can't do anything about it, you'll need to conisder alternatives if there are any.
In addition to Tommy's point, when I had DSL(before cable), I think the connectivity/download/upload speeds were also determined by the distance between your modem and the ISPs "central station" or something to that effect.

My house was close to one of these "stations" but we still had dreadful service. If you are a relatively long distance from one, I think poor service might be the norm. If your local cable provider can provide internet service, it might be worthwhile to investigate. It made a WORLD of difference for us, for whatever the reasons.
Painfully slow now....what has me scrathing my head is when I got this new computer a few months ago and would log onto CC for example, it would load up almost instantly, now lately (maybe a few weeks to a month), I sit and wait and watch for things to upload/download!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't change anything on my computer and as far as I know, nothing has changed on my DSL.......All that is avaliable here where I am is DSL, that's the bad part........
The only thing I can see is sometimes very late at night or very early in the morning, things are faster, I'm guessing too many people for the provider's service/lines?????????

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