My bra was supposed to ship almost two weeks ago. I got a call last Wednesday saying that was manufactured for a SPF instead of a Shelby and that it would not ship until late this coming week. Sigh...
The purpose was to protect the front of the car from road stuff while towing it to Phoenix. The lack of the bra was one of the contributing factors but ultimately the weather prevented me from bringing it down to some warm weather for a week. It was cold when I left Friday with high cross winds from Denver to Colorado Springs, and the drive on Saturday down the rest of Colorado and across New Mexico was equally windy. If I'd had the car I probably would have turned around and brought it back.
The good part is that I report at 08:00 tomorrow to the Bondurant track for the 4 day High Performance Driving class. Ought to be fun and not having the Cobra will be less of a distraction I guess. I'll keep telling myself that