Hi Liam.
I have been following the thread with lots of interest. Not yet started by project, and all this approval talk had been getting me a bit scared. So am keen to pitch in somehow if I can. Not that I have any practical experience in this area - yet!
Originally Posted by Zedn
It is not new vehicles that are the problem, especially ICVs. I have seen some of the studies on road statistics put out by Monash university. There is no catagory for ICVs, they only consider class of vehicle and the major manufacturers....
I am a keen motorcyclist, and as a minority road user we often believe we get the short end of the VicRoads - or equivalent - sticks. In the motorcycle context, the road authorities' equivalent of "steering column ADR silliness" is the road accident statistics and associated fear tactics - the stats are misrepresented (who would have thought!) in an apparent attempt to discourage motorcyclists at all. One sure way to reduce fatalities I suppose.
But your comments earlier (quoted above) did remind me that I've been meaning to ask the question about road accident statistics. Given there are no categories for ICVs, can we collect any stats at all on replicas or ICVs especially in relation to fatalities. When lobbying the various road authorities I would imagine this would hold sway - especially up to ministerial levels!
This of-course assumes that these stats are good!