Originally Posted by Treeve
I'm suddenly a bit confused. The RTA forms and Dept of Infrastructure websites SUTI form all mention ADR 10/01 as the most recent. Where has the requirement for 10/02 come from? I didn't realise it was in force yet, just that it was a current ADR?
p.s. as a side note Dave, telecoms for 50 years? do you send your SMS messages in Morse Code? ... _ _ _ ...
Let's just say that when I was in my first couple of years at college the mighty 289 Cobra was a young man's wet dream and we listened to Jan & Dean and the Beach Boys sing about things of an automotive nature.
Since that time my taste has matured from the street thug Cobra to the smaller hooligan 7
ADR 10-02 came in mid last year for all new vehicles, my 2010 Forester TD is not compliant because it is a continuation of the existing body shape.