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Sorry All,
I phrased my question really badly (partly because I was already aware of the answer). modifications to ADR 10/02 was tabled at the Senate (and I ssume passed since it is listed on the government legislation website) in July 2010. To original 10/02 was in 2008. However, the point I failed to make clear:
The RTA require vehicles in NSW to be manufactured to forms which have not been updated and still show 10/01; they have not adopted the newer versions of the ADR's for ICV's*
So, my point is: when did the RTA announce that this was the new rule, and update their publicly available documentation to allow us all (builders, hobbyists, owners, manufacturers etc) to be aware of the new requirement?
There's so many different sides to the ADR / NCOP / VSB application argument that I'm pretty sure I can see the back of my own head.
* (at least if they have, it wasn't clear to me - and I do ask people to prove me wrong; it's better that we all learn something rather than just believe what we read on the internet...).