Originally Posted by suthol
Just had an email from the RTA stating that the inspection guys won't accept engineers calcs or FEA to demonstrate seat mount and seatbelt anchor points are ADR compliant, this was after I forwarded an email to them from their higher authority that stated cals or alternative methods such as a fully tested sacrificial chassis provided empirical evidence of compliance.
Depending on the legislation that empowers the RTA the decisions made by them can be reviewed by the Administrative Descisions Tribunal (NSW)
Decisions made in administration of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999 are reviewable
but the ROAD TRANSPORT (VEHICLE REGISTRATION) REGULATIONS 2000 are not listed (so maybe a specific enquiry)
Administrative Decisions Tribunal of NSW - Adminstrative Decisions Tribunal : Lawlink NSW
However, if your state govt is looking at the RTA then it might be a good time to remind the transport minister or your local member that oversight/review of these matters might be a good thing and provide an avenue for getting complaints off his desk...
who knows