I'm not going to challenge the table Dwight posted because I don't have the supporting data or equations he used to derive it. What I can tell you is the real world numbers my car produced. The only assumption being made is the horsepower of my engine. Ford Racing Products advertises 475 HP with a 750 Holley and the Victor, Jr. manifold. Ford is historically conservative in their advertised power so I felt it reasonable that with the 4 Webers on my engine it's still making roughly the same. The indisputable evidence is the RPM, the gear ratios, the tire size and the math. For instance, at 6,000 RPM in 5th gear (.82:1), the driveshaft is turning 7,317 RPM. Using the 3.46 ratio in the rear end, the tires are turning 2,115 RPM. The circumference of a circle is pi x diameter, so a tire that is 25.7 inches in diameter is 6.73 feet in circumference. That means the car is travelling 14,234 feet per minute which translates into 162 MPH. The fact my engine was turning just over 6,000 RPM indicated on the tach and just under 165 MPH indicated on the speedometer, horsepower and tables be damned, my car was going approximately 163 MPH. You can't argue with facts. So, draw your conclusions from there.